We welcome contributions for any of the sections on our site, and we regularly publish bylined articles. Here’s what you need to know if you want to write for Visitbolivia.net.
Writing Guidelines
- 500-1000 word articles
- We need great content that is 10x better than anything that can be found on the Internet. If that means longer, so be it. If it means shorter and more catchy, so be it!
- Use catchy titles – the title needs to draw attention and make you want to read the article! See http://www.copyblogger.com/proven-headline-formulas for a starting point.
- Write in a casual, friendly tone.
- Keep it easy to read with lists, short paragraphs, sub titles and images.
- When referencing, quote the source with a link. We do not accept secondary sources but reputable ones.
Formating Guidelines
- You may submit your article as Word or text file.
- Article titles and sub headlines are always in title case.
What is title case? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_case
Online converter: http://titlecase.com/ - Sub titles are always Heading 2 and in title case.
- Top 10 list items are always either unordered lists or heading 2.
- Use bold sparingly, don’t use italic or underline.
- Use spacing generously. Paragraphs are separated by an empty line.
- No underlines, all capital letters or overuse of exclamation points.
We absolutely accept no copied content or content that is obviously inspired by another article.
Ready to submit an article proposal? Please contact us with a short description of your idea and we will get back to you right away.